Sunday, July 3, 2011

Psychokinesis and All Possibility

Well, this is a bit of a departure from my other blogs, and also shows you another side of me, but this is titled "Blogs/Musings", so I muse ...

In the 90's as part of my doctoral studies, I had the privilege of studying with some extraordinary professors in the fields of psychology: transpersonal, humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, spiritual, as well as parapsychology. My current interest concerns how we create our own experience of reality, what is conscious choice, and how to access realms of creativity, all possibility, and authentic self-expression, so, to at least be open to what's possible is essential to
one's capacity to effect positive change.

I came across this letter I wrote in 1998 to one of my professors, the brilliant and delightful Dr. Jon Klimo*, widely regarded as the world's leading authority on channeling, from whom I was taking a required course in parapsychology, part of which was the study of psychokinesis, or "PK". I include this in my musings because I thought you might enjoy it, because I found it enlightening as I re-read it, and also because in re-reading it I was reminded how myopic is our vision of our capacities as human beings, and how I, like others, feel it is essential that we continue to stretch our thinking to bring about a positive shift in human consciousness.

BTW, the above photo is of the very same item of mine that I mentioned in the following letter.
But heh, you'll have to take my word for it ...

Dear Jon,

Just a note:

I went to my first "PK" party a couple of weeks ago - actually, the night of our meeting at The Egg Shoppe. I didn't know it was a PK party, although I probably should've known, since it was at Virginia's house. Anyway, I met a friend of yours there, Randy, who does research on color. You told us about him and his kind of virtual-altered-state-light-gear in the parapsych class. We had a pretty interesting discussion. Anyway, Virginia comes out with a fistful of silverware and announces to everyone that we're going to "BEND SPOONS!!!".

"Oh, God", I thought, "I can't do this".

Here I am in front of all these alien-friendly, altered-state-doctoral-buff, I-eat-lucid-dreams-for-breakfast types, and I'm going to fail miserably. (Attached to my performance level much?) Not that bending silverware has ever been a goal or anything, and I will say that Randy was impressed that I had had a synethesia experience without the assistance of mind-altering drugs. In any case, even though I may have had a smattering of ASC experiences, in this group I considered myself pretty much of a parapsych priss.

Well, I was wrong. Much to my surprise, as I was chatting with another pk novice, but also focusing on softening the metal, the darn thing turned into putty and effortlessy twisted itself into a tight double coil under my slight pressure. The twisted part became so hot I couldn't touch it. I didn't yell, "BEND! BEND!BEND!" like the others did later. Just quietly massaged the neck of the spoon!

Well, I am now the proud owner of a bent spoon that curls nicely over the finger pull on my kitchen window. And for one brief shining moment my teenagers looked at me with absolute respect and awe. That, of course, was worth the whole evening. If you're looking for ways to have the field accept parapsych, think of integrating psychokenesis into parenting classes. I'm also thinking auto-body work could be next for me.

Take it slow,

- Laura

19 May, 1998


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