Saturday, June 4, 2011

Which Future to Live Into ...?

Research on the top 5 regrets at the end of life were being discussed on my favorite morning radio station this past week.

I do not know the validity of the study, however the list provoked some reflection on my part as the items seemed obvious but caused me to look to see how much I was living these longings now, so as not to regret. The list seemed worth sharing ...

Top 5 Regrets at the End of Life

5) Not having chosen happiness more of the time.
(...the stance of choosing happiness, having that awareness at the end of life rather than throughout life.)

4) Not staying in touch with friends.

(Evidently there is an intense rush to locate old friends in the last 3 weeks of life ...).

3) Not having the courage to express one's true feelings.
(People noted in retrospect that there were negative repercussions to holding true feelings inside and not expressing them.)

2) Working too much.

(Enough said ...)

1) Not having the courage to express who one truly is throughout the life.
(The number one regret at the end of life.)

1 comment:

Michael said...

This represents a powerful roadmap to my work....thanks!

M. Fratkin,MD