Sunday, June 26, 2011

How Clearly Do You See?

Anything you do in the healing relationship is multi-dimensional.

The healing relationship is like a dream.

It's not about the content but the metaphysical significance of the content.

Whatever happens to the coach is what's happening to the client. Never sensor your feelings, but don't take them as real.

The coaching interaction at its best is truly a therapeutic interaction. To be able to see that whatever happens in that interaction is a metaphor for what's happening in the client's life and for how the client deals with life experience, allows us as coaches to become more sleuths than mentors.

Basically the client comes to us saying, "Look, I've lost my way. Here are the clues as to what has gone awry. Here are the knots, the tangles, the hurts, and the survival techniques I have used.

But they have taken over, and in my earnest attempt to maintain my natural health, I have become enamored of my survival techniques so much so that I can't remember who I truly am.
Do you have the clarity of vision to help me remember?"

This is the task and the gift of the self-actualized coach.

~ © Laura Basha, Ph.D., excerpted from Clinical Case paper, November, 1994

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Loving An Old Warrior on Father's Day



1951- 2001

Father of my children, old warrior, mystic.

We love you still, and thank you for

Your brilliance,

Your music,

Your way with water and stars,

Your gift of humor.

Thinking of you always,

Thinking of you on

Father’s Day.


by Bruce Springsteen

Where the river runs to black
I take the schoolbooks from your pack
Plastics, wire and your kiss
The breath of eternity on your lips

In the crowded marketplace
I drift from face to face
I hold my breath and close my eyes
I hold my breath and close my eyes
And I wait for paradise
And I wait for paradise

The Virginia hills have gone to brown
Another day, another sun goin' down
I visit you in another dream
I visit you in another dream

I reach and feel your hair
Your smell lingers in the air
I brush your cheek with my fingertips
I taste the void upon your lips
And I wait for paradise
And I wait for paradise

I search for you on the other side
Where the river runs clean and wide
Up to my heart the waters rise
Up to my heart the waters rise

I sink 'neath the river cool and clear
Drifting down I disappear
I see you on the other side
I search for the peace in your eyes
But they're as empty as paradise
They're as empty as paradise

I break above the waves
I feel the sun upon my face


Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Consciousness of the Healer

"Help people express whatever their 'thing' is.

Give people the opportunity to [freely express].

Ninety-nine percent of the time, if they can express it,
it resolves itself
- if you don't react."
~ Dr. Meji Singh

The consciousness of the healer is everything. We can only take people to the level of understanding we have integrated.

As the healer listens to the metaphors taking place in the moment of the healing relationship/session, the process of the healer seeing through the maze and re-ordering the maze into positive, understandable symbols for the client, symbols of health and well-being, demonstrates to the client the client's own creative protective mechanisms. Disarming the grip of fear that the illusion is real, the client feels the relief of returning to the resilience of Health - the true default program within all of us.

This can be explained verbally, but if the client is not cognitively aware or capable enough of understanding the verbal articulation of issues, no matter, for the work is always done through consciousness.

The degree of potential healing is directly proportional to the degree of clarity and thus presence of the healer.

~ Excerpted from a paper by Dr.Laura Basha, © 1994

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Practice Forgetting

As a former therapist and now a professional coach, the model of psychology that I have used since the early 90's is one which recognizes the innate Health of each and every person. One doesn't always see this health in expression, but to assume it is at the core allows for an expansion of healthy expression, one that is elicited from the client.

There is a need to have access to the past, but not a need to re-live it. It is a tremendous contribution to assist another is reviewing the past with a compassionate eye, looking for understanding in both self and other, and through understanding being freed into compassion.

As a healer, see Health in the other so that they can remember It for them self. As we radiate our own own well-being and security, it is contagious and hopeful for another. The natural wisdom in the other will then be released and will reveal the other's own answers and the direction out of the problem will be obvious. This reveals to both healer and other that everything we are looking for is within.

After understanding, let go the past, forget what you know, cultivate stillness and listen.

In its simplicity is its complexity.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Which Future to Live Into ...?

Research on the top 5 regrets at the end of life were being discussed on my favorite morning radio station this past week.

I do not know the validity of the study, however the list provoked some reflection on my part as the items seemed obvious but caused me to look to see how much I was living these longings now, so as not to regret. The list seemed worth sharing ...

Top 5 Regrets at the End of Life

5) Not having chosen happiness more of the time.
(...the stance of choosing happiness, having that awareness at the end of life rather than throughout life.)

4) Not staying in touch with friends.

(Evidently there is an intense rush to locate old friends in the last 3 weeks of life ...).

3) Not having the courage to express one's true feelings.
(People noted in retrospect that there were negative repercussions to holding true feelings inside and not expressing them.)

2) Working too much.

(Enough said ...)

1) Not having the courage to express who one truly is throughout the life.
(The number one regret at the end of life.)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

More Maslow on Enlightened Management

“…the higher need satisfaction of belongingness, friendliness and affection, of respect given,

and of possibility of building self-respect …

These higher needs are precisely what enlightened management policy points itself toward.

That is to say, enlightened management policy may be defined as an attempt to

satisfy the higher needs in a work situation, …that is,

to have the work situation give intrinsically higher need satisfaction …”

~ Abraham Maslow, Maslow on Management, 1998, p. 239