Thursday, May 14, 2015


Werner Erhard


“The problems we have now in communities and societies are going to be resolved only when we are brought together by a common sense that each of us is a visionary. Each of us must come to the realization that we can function and live at the level of vision rather than following some great leader’s vision. Instead of looking for a great leader, we are in an era where each of us needs to find the great leader in ourselves.”
 - Werner Erhard

I had the great fortune of hearing Werner Erhard speak last night. My husband and I took a course with Michael Jensen and Werner two and a half years ago in Canada on Being A Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership. Both my husband and I work in the field of leadership development, and so in order to be ongoingly empowering, we are always interested in our own personal growth and development, for the expansion of our own leadership capacity. I have been a student of many thought systems, and personal and organizational transformation is my profession. For over 35 years I have integrated the revelations awakened within me out of participating in work inspired by true leaders and great thinkers. Regardless of any individual's personal opinion, Werner Erhard is one of humanity’s true leaders and great thinkers.

I share this short video of Werner talking about the leadership work he has been co-developing over the last 13 years, standing on the foundation of the other transformational work he has refined since 1971. In my consulting practice, working with leaders who work with leaders over the last 15 years, the principles Werner speaks of in his new paradigm of leadership are actualized by many of these powerfully effective, empowering, and compassionate clients. However, articulating this paradigm in a way that educates as well as enlightens is one of the gifts of this great man’s work.

Werner’s leadership paradigm is opening up new pathways which will open up new pathways which will open up new pathways … this is one expression of the evolution of human consciousness that is enlightening for us in the present as well as continues its catalytic unfoldment for generations to come. If you are interested in being the leader that you intrinsically are, in whatever walk of life you are in, take five minutes to watch and listen, and if you are inspired, the whole of this leadership model is available online. 

It is an idea whose time has come.

1 comment:

nneuhausel said...

I truly enjoyed the blog about Werner Erheardt and found it both inspirational and enlightening. He has brought boundless and endless innovation to the field of human development for probably 50 years. He is still so proactive and vital. Laura you captured the essense of the man and his contribution in your comments and thank you for doing so. You are one of the inspirational leaders he talks about. Nick Neuhausel