Monday, December 1, 2014



“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me
there lay an invincible summer.”
~ Albert Camus

It’s December 1st, and I just watched a beautiful sunset within this brief window of no rain in a week of much-needed rainy days.

The days are shorter, the nights longer. Cozy nights by a fire, soups, holiday movies and lots of reading – all call to us, whereas 6 months ago we were still out running errands and working and just being busy until the sun set much later in the day.

If we look at Life as a metaphor, we could see the symbolism within nature’s timetable. Less time for outer activity, more time for inner reflection. As the season gets colder, nature slows down, hibernates, leaves fall from the trees, growth slows or stops, and nature lies fallow to replenish and rejuvenate for Spring and its expansion.

We too could slow down, reflect, review the past accomplishments of the year, consider what we could evolve and grow into in the coming year, with the renewed capacities born of rest and reflection.

It is the Christmas season. It is the season for many spiritual traditions to celebrate the birth of an awakened consciousness. In the dark and quiet seclusion of the deepest winter night, a star lights the way to the birth of the King. In the dark and quiet seclusion of our deepest reflection, wisdom unfolds, gathering substance as we allow ourselves time to be present to quietness. Wisdom emerges as inspired and awakened consciousness, lighting the way for our own inner sage to find voice, ready to take form in the coming longer days of Spring.

Peace within emanating to peace without, choosing peace for all who think of us, all who speak of us,
all whom we contact.

Happiest of holidays to us all!

Joy to the world!

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