Sunday, March 27, 2011


"Ever since happiness heard your name,

It has been running through the streets trying to find you."

~ Hafiz

What if happiness was a realm of thought, available whenever we turned our attention to it?

Not a mindset of denial, but rather a state of mind that is equally everywhere present,

waiting for our awareness.

What if in the midst of tragedy, travail, suffering, or struggle, we chose this realm of happiness

in spite of the conditions,

so that we would access our best thinking to address the situation?

What would life experience be like if we chose happiness, practiced happiness?

How much do we think about what we don't want, and how much do we think about what we want?

What we pay attention to gathers substance.

What if life experience was always singing in the deep Silence of Source,

and its music could permeate your tears.

~ ten thousand blessings to you ~

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