Sunday, March 27, 2011


"Ever since happiness heard your name,

It has been running through the streets trying to find you."

~ Hafiz

What if happiness was a realm of thought, available whenever we turned our attention to it?

Not a mindset of denial, but rather a state of mind that is equally everywhere present,

waiting for our awareness.

What if in the midst of tragedy, travail, suffering, or struggle, we chose this realm of happiness

in spite of the conditions,

so that we would access our best thinking to address the situation?

What would life experience be like if we chose happiness, practiced happiness?

How much do we think about what we don't want, and how much do we think about what we want?

What we pay attention to gathers substance.

What if life experience was always singing in the deep Silence of Source,

and its music could permeate your tears.

~ ten thousand blessings to you ~

Saturday, March 19, 2011


"Two Pisceans"

We are always at square one if growth and development are important to us, if we are passionate and intentional about continuously stepping into not-knowing and listening for the song of the muse.

I will be sharing thoughts that I hope will bring fresh perspective and possibility and
validation to you about this extraordinary expression called life experience.

Please join me and check back often and celebrate a day now long ago when this current journey began ...


a woman can't survive
by her own breath
she must know
the voices of mountains
she must recognize
the foreverness of blue sky
she must flow
with the elusive
of night winds
who will take her
into herself

look at me
i am not a separate woman
i am the continuance
of blue sky
i am the throat of the mountains
a night wind
who burns
with every breath
she takes

~ Joy Harjo