Wednesday, August 31, 2016



 This thing we do...

This separation which we perceive...
This experience of life or lunacy which we create and which has no existence without our permission...
Or, closer to Truth - without our choice it could not be ...

Why choose it at all?
Why have to choose it?
We have to choose it if we wish to continue to forget who we are ...
And so we keep choosing the illusion as reality
Until it gets so loud - the illusion, that is - that we can’t stand the noise and so scream to ourselves:
“Turn that blasted thing OFF!!”

And then the intellect is quiet for a moment.
So we have a glimpse of Reality and It is so quiet, so infinitely No Thing, so peaceful, so full of Peace...
And we remember for a flash Who/What we are.

And that is why we have to choose it: Separation.
So we can finally consciously see who/what we aren’t,
 so that we can begin to consciously see Who/What we ARE.

Perfect beings.
Our perfection is our only stumbling block.
For we are perfect with or without our self’s permission, or awareness.
We are all Masters in our own universe.
We are either conscious of this Mastery or not, and this is the essential difference.
So it behooves us to become conscious of our Mastery so we can consciously choose the direction of the play instead of endlessly unconsciously scripting it and acting it out.

It isn’t a requirement to become conscious. There is free will.
But then ... there is Destiny.
It is simply a matter of being Home vibrantly free or
coming home in the waking sleep.

What is it like, waking up?
Sometimes I have dreamed, and realized I was dreaming, and wanted to wake up,
And yet all my screams were silent, and all my attempts were futile as I wrestled with all my being to wake myself up from this falseness and re-align with my consciousness and body and then, suddenly
I would find myself back in this reality,
confused but present.
And what had I been wrestling with anyway?

For from here, it looked like nothing,
An invisible kind of membrane from which I had to de-enmesh myself,
Like exhaustively wrestling with the angel and then to see there is no one there ...
Like Bert and Ernie in It’s a Wonderful Life wrestling with Clarence in the snow in the dark.
That’s what it’s like sometimes.

And sometimes, it’s like noticing the moth on the window.
~ Laura Basha, response paper, July, 1994

Monday, August 1, 2016

"Passing the Baton"

“Passing the Baton”

“Poor leaders drop the torch making it difficult if not impossible to pick up again. Mediocre leaders pass a dimly lit torch. Outstanding leaders pass the torch with fire blazing.”
~ Reed Markham, American Educator

There are only five of them. Five new principals hand-picked out of a very select larger group – to eventually replace the partners of the firm who will be retiring next year.

My job was to bring these very accomplished folks up to speed on the underlying principles of the business they were now preparing to lead. The current partners have been together for over 20 years, and they have inculcated the understanding of the underlying principles to the point where it is the vantage point from which they enter into everything. I have been the lead for these seasoned folks over the years to assist them in deeper grounding of the principles upon which they rely for the success of the business.

I spent 35 hours designing the agenda for the two one-week sessions we would have together. I went back over the last 20 years of teaching so that I would have a comprehensive outline that could be used as a template for any who might like to teach the model from this day forward. I connected the agenda outline to the book I had written on the same principle-based paradigm. I was paid for my time, yet I am giving everything else away to them - for utilization and expansion for the coming generations whom I will never meet.

The work I have done has had such a positive impact over the years in so many varied populations, that I wanted to leave the legacy of what I have understood through my own work for whomever could benefit. Not for everyone, but definitely for some. And for those people – the possibility of discovering their authentic personal purpose, revealing their innate ability to experience peace of mind, catalyzing their own inner wisdom and common sense and to essentially self-actualize, is available in at least this form. So there is a sense of fulfillment for me, which leaves me feeling complete.

Give it away – that which you have accomplished and which has you be experienced as a leader. Give it away. Such giving will make room for your own ever-expanding awareness, and will leave a path behind you that will assist others in developing their true nature.

Passing the baton is a wonderful contribution, to you and to others, and our knowledge becomes a foundation brick upon which others can firmly stand. We then become integral in an accelerated evolution of our human consciousness.