Monday, June 29, 2015

Laura BashaThe Character Of Thought: The Choice To Be In Process Or Flow with Laura Basha, Ph.D.

I invite you all to tune in to an interview with me on my book, The Inward Outlook, with Justine Willis Toms of New Dimensions radio, 

Available for free until July 7th, then available for purchase through the New Dimensions archives. 
Thank you so much if you tune in, and I hope you enjoy!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Memory Lane

Mendocino Coastline 2015
Laura Basha


It was a three-and-a-half-hour drive – a long drive to be sure, but the last 20 miles were surprisingly full of dense redwood forest, single lane, mottled sunlight, old wizened stunningly beautiful trees. You could feel the quietness as you wound your way through the woods.

I hadn’t been to Mendocino for 36 years. It was the site of my honeymoon with my first husband, Bert, the father of my children. I was driving up for an artist’s four day intensive painting session. Looking forward to the work, the past tugged as bittersweet memories vied for my attention. Bert made his transition almost 15 years ago. I couldn’t remember exactly what we had seen together, what had inspired us, what had made us laugh, or what had moved us to quietude all those years ago. It is interesting to have lived long enough to not remember the details of the occurrences but at the same time re-experience the feelings.

This beauty has been here every one of the days of those 36 years. Whatever has transpired in that time for me and my children and our beloveds, whatever has occurred in the world over those 432 months, this place, that ocean, those cliffs, have all maintained their timeless beauty, kept up their eternal rhythm, tide comes in and goes out 432 times … such beauty that lives outside of the constraints of time.

And it has always been there – three and a half hours away only – still holding the echoes of our young delighted footsteps all those years ago …

Where is such a place for you, your Mendocino, your timeless capsule of savored youth gone by?

I invite you to take the drive.