Saturday, January 31, 2015


5:00AM Sitting Down to Write


“I wake up with a gnawing sensation of dissatisfaction. Already I feel fear. … I’m not thinking about the work. I’ve already consigned that to the Muse. What I am aware of is Resistance. I feel it in my guts. I afford it the utmost respect, because I know it can defeat me on any given day as easily as a drink can overcome an alcoholic.”
~ Steven Pressfield

This year is about the resurgence of the Creative Muse - for me that is. It’s personal now. She has always lain in wait. She was not dormant – only my listening of Her was dormant. She never sleeps, never falters, never skips a beat. She is Source – eternal, ever pulsing, ever birthing, ever available to inspire the catalyzed soul.

So what keeps us from listening to Her melodious effervescence? What has us turn away from Her Sirens’ lull and instead pay attention to the cacophony of distractions ever-present?

What keeps us? Anything will do. Really. Anything.

So I am cultivating the practice of doing my work. Like punching-a-time-clock type of showing up for work: to the studio to write, to do artwork, to prepare a speaking engagement. A just-do-the-deal schedule I have put in my calendar in the face of all the other to-do-list things or the endless invalidating conversations in my head – or the spoken conversations coming from someone else’s head. No drama, no fanfare, just simple sit down and do the work.

Funny how if I have a job I don’t question the “I can’t make it until after work” comment. Carte blanche – do the job first. But if it’s my timetable and the work is to create – somehow it’s not afforded the same unquestioned commitment. Resistance loves this – it wins!

Well, what if I brought the same professional game that I have brought all these years to my jobs that “put food on the table” to my creative process and its resultant material manifestations?

I say to myself: “Let’s find out.”

I say to you: “Are you game?”

Saturday, January 17, 2015

One Last Book Signing! Please come and Enjoy the Gallery, Wine, and Live Music!

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Author Lecture & Book Signing

Saturday 1/24/15 6:30-8:30pm

ACCI Gallery is pleased to host:


· Enjoy a glass of wine while Dr. Basha talks about her 35-plus years of transformational work with people from all walks of life, and the inspiration behind writing her book, 
· The Inward Outlook.
· The talk will be followed by a Book Signing
· Copies of the book will be available for purchase

The Inward Outlook encourages readers to find guidance from within.  Basha says, "This book points you in the direction of realizing that the guru is within you.  Everything you're looking for, you already have." 

The event is free of charge, however, seating is limited.

Email us at to reserve seating.

Michell Follett | Gallery Coordinator
ACCI Gallery
1652 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709

Friday, January 2, 2015

Don't Quit!!!

Collage, 2007, by Laura Basha

People have asked me about how much it took to write this latest book I completed and published. They admire that I have done it; they are completely respectful of what it has taken. It’s really very acknowledging of them to communicate this to me, and I appreciate it.

But let me tell you something – I have the same unrelenting and loud screaming voice in my head as everyone else: “You don’t need to get up at 4:30am! Go back to sleep, you can write later today, or even tomorrow …”, or “WHY are you writing a BOOK?! WHO needs another BOOK on the planet for heaven’s sake?!” or, “What makes you think YOU could write a book anyone would want to read?!”, and on and on and on.

So I had to dig deep sometimes, and reconnect to the powerful creative pull calling faintly through the cacophony of invalidating internal verbal assaults. I just kept choosing the music of the Muse, one proverbial foot in front of the other.

So, I came across this quote today, and I wanted to share it with all of us working on breaking up the anti-creativity tar-baby-of-negativity that this impersonal and incessant inner shrew or seductive cajoler is committed to expressing, to keep us from our authentic self-expression.

I will just say to you: listen to the Muse, and don’t quit!


“Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work. It will perjure, fabricate, falsify; seduce, bully, cajole. Resistance is protean. It will assume any form, if that’s what it takes to deceive you. It will reason with you like a lawyer or jam a nine-millimeter in your face like a stickup man. Resistance has no conscience. It will pledge anything to get a deal, then double-cross you as soon as your back is turned. If you take Resistance at its word, you deserve everything you get. Resistance is always lying and always full of shit.”

~ from The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield