Friday, May 25, 2012

"Behind Each Eye"

Four Sisters

It had been over 40 years since we had all been together. Separated by the annihilation born of a traumatic youth, we finally trusted enough to reunite to see our mother after all these years. It was moving to me to observe us, 4 women now, cooking, navigating the kitchen, each doing her part as only four women who have raised children know how to do. Silently, musically, harmonized with no outer conductor needed.

We return next month, to Florida, to move this our mother who never mothered very well, to a safer place where we can all be there for her in her elder years. She is alone and she needs to be mothered and we can be that for each other and for her.

Bring what you are looking for.

Behind Each Eye

Spring overall. But inside us
there is another unity.

Behind each eye 
one glowing weather.

Every forest branch moves differently
in the breeze, but as they sway,
they connect at the roots.

~ Rumi

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Power of Quiet

Koi Pond, Kauai 


"In a gentle way, you can shake the world."  ~ Mahatma Gandhi



 There is more and more research being done on the valuable perspectives experienced and seen by those of us who are introverted. As we live in a culture that values extroversion to an extreme, introversion has often been characterized, if not overtly, as an undesirable attribute to have, especially if one wants to get ahead professionally or socially.


Well, what is now becoming more and more obvious, is the powerful contribution the introverted way of operating brings to any conversation, leadership role, or certainly any creative endeavor, and one book that is brilliant in exploring and revealing this value is Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power  of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.


If you are interested in understanding an introvert's perspective and its value, or if you are interested in validating the value you know you have always possessed as an introvert (!), check out this TED talk by Susan Cain, and "may the Force be [gently] with you"!!