Thursday, April 19, 2012


1995 - 2012

He had a way of looking at you until you understood what he was saying. I loved how he would reach up his paws onto the couch to be picked up as I sat quietly writing in my journal. His soft purring soothing, leaning his pristine white self against my leg, while he looked over the space of the room as if holding court.

I stand on my back deck overlooking the canyon and there is a hawk soaring elegantly on the breeze of this beautiful summery afternoon. It seems to me that Jake's spirit is soaring onward just like that.

Thank you for being in our lives, for all of your love, and for being such a great good joy and solace these 17 years.

Peaceful ongoing to you, dear, beautiful, loving old friend.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Breaking Free ...

"Out of a hundred thousand kites,
At best but one or two break free;

And Thou dost laugh and clap Thy hands,
O Mother, watching them."
~ Sri Ramakrishna